
Video: The Power of Component-Based Design

Component-based design is a highly collaborative, super-efficient method for building websites

By breaking website design and user experience (UX) down to its most basic elements, component-based design helps create a scalable, streamlined design and development process that delivers a cohesive digital experience for end-users.

In this video, you'll learn:

— How component-based design combines the advantages of two common web design approaches making them more efficient for developers and designers and more effective for end users and clients.

— How component-based design focuses on the user experience first to drive design decisions that make taking action logical, delightful, and user-friendly.

— The historic timeline of component-based design, from the principles of web designer Brad Frost’s Atomic Methodology to the splitting of user interface (UI) into six distinct groups:

  • Identity
  • Elements
  • Components
  • Compositions
  • Layout
  • Pages

Watch the video below to learn more about component-based design.

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